Farm Animals Update
FEBRUARY 6, 2019
Fauna has provided sanctuary to farm animals since 1991. In those early years, before the chimpanzees arrived, there were hundreds of domestic farm animals in our care, including goats, llamas, pigs, cows, rabbits, guinea pigs, and horses. After the chimpanzees arrived, we accepted fewer farm animals over the years as the focus moved towards nonhuman primates, but those who found a home at Fauna never left until they reached the rainbow bridge.

Today our farm residents are the vestiges of this original population. They are all quite elderly since no new farm residents have arrived in many years. This winter we have lost some of our dear ones; Lucky, a steer, McLeod, a horse, Sky, a dog, and Eeyore, a donkey. We felt it was important to let our supporters know and help them understand the context in which these deaths occurred.
Eeyore came to Fauna in the Fall of 1991 when he was just 6 weeks old. His mother, who lived at Parc Safari, was euthanized for a hoof problem, which required Eeyore to be bottle fed. This was too much for Parc Safari to accommodate, so Fauna rescued him. We gladly provided him with the care that he needed. When he was young, and small, he spent time in Gloria’s house with her dogs and later he spent winters in the barns with the horses. In time Eeyore and McLeod were the only equines left at Fauna, buddies for life.

McLeod arrived at Fauna around 1995 from a family that used him for jumping and dressage. He was no longer performing to their standards, so he came to Fauna. The family’s promise of lifetime care funds for McLeod never came through. However, he spent a couple of happy decades at Fauna with no expectations of performance or obedience, just days loved by his caregivers.

Lucky was born on a truck that was bound for the slaughterhouse in 1996. He arrived at Fauna when was just a few hours old and he too was bottle fed. He spent his years at Fauna surrounded by other bovines enjoying life, and being saved from a dinner plate.

Sky, a German Shepherd, appeared at Fauna when some compassionate souls rescued her from a life outside on the end of a chain, where she remained 24/7, 12 months a year. She arrived in 2015 and we estimate she was 8-9 years old. Sky enjoyed life in the office with a large run. She had so very many human friends, staff and volunteers; some dogs have one human companion, Sky had a village.

Saying Goodbye to a Few Beloved Farm Animals
This winter took these four dear souls. For Lucky it was old age; he was 22 when he died. But he was at the long end of the expected life span for steer. McLeod had a suspected brain tumor that he had been living with for over a year. At 36 he was an elderly horse. Sky was at the end of a 1 1/2 year battle with cancer – she survived far longer than her original prognosis. She was about 12 years old and also had a long life – we are thankful for the ones she had at Fauna. For Eeyore it was Cushing Disease, and perhaps, a broken heart. McLeod preceded him in death by a few weeks. At 28 he was an elderly donkey.
As you know, Fauna is a permanent placement, a final placement. This means we care for individuals in life on this planet and as they leave this planet, which is part of life. We endeavor to make their ending as comfortable as every other moment of their lives. We also accept that this is part of life, as difficult as it is. For a sanctuary with only elderly residents, this is perhaps a more significant aspect of care than it might be at another sanctuary with a more mixed age group.

We Appreciate Your Support
These losses take an emotional toll on us all. Life brings us great joy and death brings great sadness. But the realization that this is what we have to look forward to is not easy. It is the hardest part of our mission. It is a constant reminder to make each moment the best with our residents. To have an extra special rub for a farm animal, or a breathy pant for the chimps, or a juicy lipsmack for the monkeys.
We appreciate the help and encouragement of our supporters and their understanding that this is Fauna – a permanent and final home. We endeavor to make it the best it can be. Please consider making a donation to Fauna today to help us in this mission or in memory of one of our residents who left this planet, which we all call home.

Wood Duck
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” —Mahatma Gandhi

Fauna Foundation
The Caregiving & Support Team at Fauna