Other ways to financially help Fauna
We recognize that our supporters may be looking for other ways to give and support Fauna’s mission. Here are some additional ideas of how you can help support Fauna. Contact us for more information about alternative forms of giving.

In the U.S.? Shop Online Using Amazon Smile
For supporters sending wishlist items and gifts from the USA, Amazon Smile, which is operated by Amazon.com, is a wonderful program that supports charitable organizations. Every time you make a purchase on smile.amazon.com, the charitable organization of your choice receives a donation from Amazon. Try it out! (Note: Amazon Smile is not available on amazon.ca.)
When you first go to smile.amazon.com, chose Fauna Sanctuary as your charity. (Fauna Sanctuary is the U.S. affiliate for Fauna Foundation.) You’ll find the same prices, selection and shopping experience as you normally do on Amazon.com. And we never see your purchase information; your privacy is protected.
Every item you buy generates a donation to us, from Amazon! So you can shop and support the chimpanzees at the same time!

Donating Stock
Increase your gift to Fauna — and your tax deduction — by donating stock.
More and more people are discovering the benefits of donating stock or securities to support their favorite charity. By donating stocks, bonds, mutual funds and or securities, you pay no capital gains tax and you will receive a Fauna tax receipt for your gift. When you donate this way, you may also benefit by reducing your personal income tax payable at the end of the taxation year.
To learn more please contact us.

Corporate Matching
Double your donations to Fauna through corporate matching!
Corporate matching is philanthropy in which your company or employer will financially match the donations you make towards Fauna. Perhaps your employer has a matching or capital campaign that could support Fauna Foundation?
Please contact us directly to learn more. We thank you for your support!

Giving is not just about making a donation. It’s about making a difference.