Give monthly and you can positively impact those who have found sanctuary at Fauna
An automatic, monthly recurring donation is one of the most generous and enduring gifts you can give the many residents at Fauna.
You can make a difference. Please donate today.

What Your Monthly Gift Covers
The annual cost to care for just one chimpanzee is over $20,000 per year. Much of that goes to pay for food and medicine. Other costs include maintenance and daily operations. Here is how your recurring donations help:
$ 50 – Buys apples for the chimpanzees for one week.
$ 85 – Buys peanuts for two weeks for the chimpanzees and monkeys.
$ 150 – Supports one Animal Caregiver’s salary for one day.
$ 500 – Provides romaine lettuce for one week for the chimpanzees.
$ 1,000 – Provides fresh produce for one week for the chimpanzees.
$ 5,000 – Provides complete care for the chimpanzees for three days!